Monday, August 07, 2006

Zoey talks to Sarah while on Safari

Sarah took this video while we were on "safari" at the Natural Bridge Caverns Wildlife Ranch in New Braunfels. It was just a daytrip, and it was a pretty neat place to see. Lots of so-called wild animals, mostly of the gazelle/antelope type, with some deerlike animals and some ram thingys. Oh, and a few zebras as well.

The animals are car feed sluts--they know where the food is coming from if you know what I mean. They're not shy about looking you in the eye and sniffing up your hand. Unfortuntely, the passenger side window was stuck, so we could only feed them from the driver side, which means at times I was driving (no more than 5 mph), taking pictures, and feeding animals all at the same time, and sometimes with Zoey on my lap as well. Because we did what every other car was doing, and that was letting her out of her seat and into Sarah's or my lap while we drove through. Please don't call CPS. We had plenty of Brittney Spears jokes going already.

Anyway, I thought you guys might get a kick out of Zoey here. I know a lot of you haven't seen her in a long time, so you'll be surprised at her mastery of the English language. You get everything in this one little clip, some singing (to a They Might Be Giants song--more on that later), some gesticulating, and a right smackdown directed at my sister Sarah, who had the gall to suggest that Zoey sing a different song. Zoey really enjoyed the safari, especially getting to ride up front and play DJ. She did feed some animals, too.


Blogger bb said...

lucas loves tmbg too!

6:01 PM  

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