Friday, October 15, 2004

I have peers in the blog world!

Kilian and Phillippe have joined up, and we are all merrily typing away in the blog wars. We've now opened up three fronts in Chicago, Houston (or wherever I end up) and Athens, Greece. I'm very excited about this, as hopefully it will inspire all of us to continue writing. I've been back in Houston for almost a week, and have written zilch since then.

Of course, in Houston, there's not much to travelogue, though Kelly and I did take our little girls to the zoo together. It's really been fun watching Zoey and Olivia slowly start to interact with each other. They're not there yet, but now they know each other's names and watch each other intently to see if the other is doing something interesting. I didn't take many pictures of the outing, as much time was spent chasing after the two girls, but I did get one keeper:

They look a little drunk, no? Crazy 100% juice hysteria.

Trey is also in town to see if he can get some work in Friendswood. Who knows, maybe we'll get to stay in Houston through the winter.


Blogger Found in the Alley said...


It's linked from
I think mine will stay focused on music but who knows. Up next, nine things I've learned from 13 years of playing music in small venues.

2:04 PM  

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